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Showing 149 Results

Two trucks.

Metal and Minds: Ethics in AI

Post published:November 5, 2021

One sector wherein the design and ethics of AI can literally mean life or death every day is mining—specifically, in the use of large mining haul trucks.

Hailey Bennett portrait.

Lifecycle Superstar – Hailey Bennett

Post published:November 1, 2021

What is a Lifecycle Superstar? Pinnguaq’s work is based on our Lifecycle model, and designed to engage learners at multiple stages in their personal growth and success.

A collage of artwork created by Pinnguaq staff.

Celebrating World Art Day

Post published:April 15, 2021

Today at Pinnguaq, we’re celebrating World Art Day. It’s a day to promote the creation, diffusion and enjoyment of art. Art plays an important role in knowledge sharing and in the promotion of cultural diversity, and is a fundamental component of STEAM, along with science, technology, engineering and math.

A setup in OBS with three layers.

Using Open Broadcaster Software to Deliver Better Lessons

Post published:April 5, 2021

Virtual teaching comes with many challenges. As is clear to anyone who has watched teachers and young kids try to adapt to school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s not easy to hold the attention of a group through the small window of a flat screen.


Storytelling workshop offered free to young people in Iqaluit

Post published:February 11, 2021

How can we make our stories more meaningful? How can we use multimedia to share our experiences? How can we connect with others in an impactful manner? A new, no-cost storytelling workshop may be just what you need to enhance your storytelling and strengthen those connections.

Root & Stem Issue 2

Root & STEM Issue 2 Explores Technology and Health

Post published:January 18, 2021

Pinnguaq Association has published Root & STEM, Issue 2, the second issue in a new publishing initiative promoting equity and accessibility in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEAM) education and innovation. This new STEAM resource and complimentary lesson plans, prioritizing diverse voices, are available for K-12 educators across the country.