The second page of the Bearanormal Activity comic by Kate Craig.

Bearanormal Activity

Primary - Grade 12

Digital Storytelling, Health & Wellness, Online Safety, Root & STEM

Finding reliable information online can be challenging. There’s so much available that it can be difficult to know what you can believe. This comic explores considerations you should make when reading information on the internet. 

The first page of the Bearanormal Activity comic by Kate Craig.
The second page of the Bearanormal Activity comic by Kate Craig.

This comic originally appeared in the first issue of Root & STEM, Pinnguaq’s free print and online STEAM resource supporting educators in teaching digital skills

Kate Craig

Kate Craig

About the author

Kate Craig lives in Stratford, Ontario, and is an artist working in the video game industry. She creates comics, illustrations and 3D environments (like houses and spaceships) for players to snoop around in. In her free time, she makes things out of wood.