It’s been a fantastic year so far for the te(a)ch program, but it’s only a preview of what is to come. As we ramp up the program with some major announcements coming in Q4 of 2017, we wanted to take a moment and highlight where te(a)ch is, what we’ve accomplished, and provide a quick preview as to where we are going.
2017 To Date
- Coming off being awarded laureates of the 2016 Arctic Inspiration Prize, we approached 2017 with a goal of producing a sustainable, online / offline curriculum that we can introduce to communities and help it grow organically based on the needs and push of that community. We aim to create an organic network of communities across the North and national partners who can support this program and make it bigger than any one individual or organization.
- With our partners in Qaujigiartiit, we hosted events in Iqaluit, Baker Lake, and Chesterfield Inlet in February and March 2017 and began the first pilots of our “made in Nunavut” curriculum.
- Thanks to our partnership with Computers for Success Canada, and our work as the leads for Computers for Success Nunavut, we have been able to provide free, preloaded laptops to all te(a)ch participants who need them, and will be able to move forward.
- The rest of 2017 has been about outreach to additional partners, fundraising to fully support the program, and laying the groundwork for one of the most original and comprehensive computer science and game development curriculum in Canada (that’s a bold statement, hold us to it).
- We also developed a new logo! Our original logo was put together by Paulette Metuq, and featured two ravens. The new logo comes heavily influenced by the incredible work of Matt Hammill of Asteroid Base. He developed the logo for a Toronto-based camp called Camp Make-a-Game. With that influence, our team led by Amberlea Williams created this incredible new logo:

Next Steps
- te(a)ch, as we envision it, consists of 100 individual lessons in at least 13 different categories of learning that span a variety of learning styles, STEM lessons, and all rooted in a unique cultural and learning framework that represents the audience it is designed for.
- We also envision visiting nearly every community in Nunavut then expanding the program to other communities in Northwest Territories, Yukon, and throughout First Nations communities in Canada.
- To do that, our costs are high. We are currently seeking funding and partners and should have some major announcements in the next few months. Each session we’ve held in 2017 hit costs of around $25,000 to $35,000 per week. Nearly all of that in airline and hotel costs. We are exploring ways to cut those costs while also seeking additional partners to help.
We’re confident we’ve got an incredible Foundation, a strong team, and a great path forward. We are excited to share our progress as we continue to develop the te(a)ch program and spread it across Canada as a new way to approach STEM learning. Stay tuned, keep watching the skies for te(a)ch!