Grade 4 - Grade 8
Do you listen to podcasts? Or maybe you don’t know what a podcasting is. Find out more in this lesson as Michelle Jilesen teaches us how to create a podcast of our own.
Do you listen to podcasts? Or maybe you don’t know what a podcasting is. Find out more in this lesson as Michelle Jilesen teaches us how to create a podcast of our own.
Students will learn how to safely and effectively use Facebook to connect with friends and family.
Students will review short films and write a film review based on the intended audience, point of view, and purpose.
Using the game Lightbot, students will learn how to create step-by-step instructions used in procedural writing.
In this lesson students will learn how to use x and y coordinates to place sprites on the workspace in Scracth.
In this lesson students will be exploring conditional statements and how they can be used in game design.
Using Scratch, students will learn about the locations of provinces, territories and various cultural areas of Canada!
In this fun lesson students will create their own jokes and discover their sense of humour using Scratch to share with their peers!
Students will build a game in Scratch using the ‘random operator.’ After this module students will have the skills to create probability experiments.
In this lesson students will explore Scratch’s music library, and putting them together through programming to make music.
Students will be creating an interactive story based on a novel they have already read through Twine!
Using App Lab students will learn the basics of developing an app and the basics of programming using App Lab and code.org.
Learn the basics of animation in Scratch as we look through the Looks section and create a short card animation!
Learn how to use App Lab to create a personality quiz! Students will generate questions to reach target audiences and create an app.
Students will learn how to create a short folktale animation while also learning programming skills and build upon their knowledge of algorithms.
It is important for anybody to know how to not become subjects to online scams. Learn how to develop the required skills to avoid scams online.
Students will learn how to manipulate images using GIMP.
In this lesson students will learn how to use statements, links, and variables to create a Word Monster game in Twine!
In this lesson students will learn about the impact of climate change on the environment, and create an interactive story using Twine.
Using students knowledge of probability and data management, students will create a math question children’s story using Twine!
Students will learn about mythology, legends and folktales while programming a Choose Your Own Adventure style story in Twine.
With the internet being bigger than it ever was, it is important to develop critical thinking skills and learn how to find credibility online. Learn more about Critical Literacy.
In this lesson students will explore different types of chemical reactions using videos and descriptions.
Studentsd will learn about the systems of the human body and how they interact with each other, while creating a story using Twine.